Policies by Department - Student Development

About the University Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on:

the Student Handbook

University History

Mission and Vision Statement

Saint Francis of Assisi

Office of Mission Integration

Campus Ministry

Division of Student Development Mission Statement


Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
Responsible Office: Student Development

Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy

Safe Harbor

HATP Alcohol Policy

Illegal Drug Policy

Driving under the Influence/Driving While Intoxicated

Mandated Evaluation and Counseling

Appeal Hearing
Responsible Office: Student Development

Appeal Hearing process

Campus Ministry Peer Ministers Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on Campus Ministry Peer Ministers

Campus Surveillance Statement
Responsible Office: Student Development

Campus Surveillance Statement

Community Responsibility for Assembly and Speech Policy
Responsible Office: Student Development

Community Responsibility for Assembly and Speech Policy

General Guidelines

Student Assembly and Speech

Non- Student Assembly and Speech

Commuter Life Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on Commuter Life at SFU

Conduct Sanctions and Failure to Complete Conduct Sanctions
Responsible Office: Student Development

Conduct Sanctions and Failure to Complete Conduct Sanctions

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAPP)
Responsible Office: Student Development

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAPP)

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

As a part of SFU Drug Alcohol Pervention Program  The Office of Alcohol and Drug Education makes the following information available to studnets: 

Health Effects of Alcohol

Health Risks of Alcohol Use

Health Effectand Other Drug Use

Health Risk of Other Drug Use

Legal Sanctions/Criminal Penalties



Gambling Policy
Responsible Office: Student Development

Gambling Policy

Greek Life Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Saint Francis University recognizes thirteen social and service Greek organizations. These organizations provide continuous opportunities for scholastic achievement, leadership development, and service to those that are in need - whether on campus, within the local communities, or even within the larger global community. Greek Life plays a very important part in the development of students and the overall student-life culture at Saint Francis University.

Hearing Officers
Responsible Office: Student Development

Hearing Officers

Incident Review Hearing Process
Responsible Office: Student Development

Incident Review Hearing Process

Interim Suspension
Responsible Office: Student Development

Interim Suspension

Interpretation and Revision
Responsible Office: Student Development

Interpretation and Revision

Responsible Office: Student Development

Student Conduct Process:  Investigation

Responsible Office: Student Development

An explanation of the University's jurisdiction over students in student conduct issues

Leadership Development Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Leadership Development opportunities at SFU

SGA Leadership Scholarship Information

Notice of an Incident
Responsible Office: Student Development

Office of Student Conduct Notice of an Incident

Office of Student Conduct
Responsible Office: Student Development

Office of Student Conduct general information

OrgSync Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

OrgSync Information

Orientation Counselors Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on Orientation Counselors

Outdoor Recreation Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on Outdoor Recreation at SFU

Parental Notification Without Student Consent
Responsible Office: Student Development

The purpose of this policy is to clarify the circumstances and procedures when the University may notify the parent(s) or guardian(s) regarding information about a dependent student without the student’s consent.  While the University always strongly encourage students and parents to have an open discussion regarding personal responsibility and privacy during the college years, the University realizes the importance of parent/guardian involvement for successful matriculation and retention. 

Recognized Student Organization Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on Recognized Student Organizations at SFU

Religion/Association Policy
Responsible Office: Student Development

Religion/Association Policy

Resident Assistants Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on Resident Assistants at SFU

Responsible Action Protocol
Responsible Office: Student Development

Responsible Action Protocol

Saint Francis University Ambassadors Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Saint Francis University Ambassadors Information

Security Telephones
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information and location of security telephones

Service Opportunities Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

 Information on Service Opportunities at SFU: 

Community Service

Service Learning

Ambassador Program

Mission Trips


Habitat for Humanity

Finding Opportunities

Recording Service

Service and Assistance Animal Policy
Responsible Office: Student Development

Service and Assistance Animal Policy

Services for Special Student Populations Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Military Connections

Office of Diversity and Inclusion

International Admissions and Student Services

Statement of Student Conduct
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on SFU Statement of Student Conduct

Student Activities and Organization: Contracts
Responsible Office: Student Development

Student Activities and Organization: Contracts

Student Activities and Organization: Fundraising Policy and Procedures

Student Activities and Organization: Scheduling Facilities and Activities

Information on Student Activities and Organization Transportation Services

Student Care Teams
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on Student Care Teams at SFU:

Student Academic Team - SAT

Behavioral Intervention Team - BIT

Threat Assessment Team - TAT

Emergency Response Team - ERT

Student Conduct Authority and Gatekeepting
Responsible Office: Student Development

Student Conduct Authority by the Board of Trustees

Gatekeeping procedure

Student Identification Card Policy
Responsible Office: Student Development

Student Identification Card Policy

Student Organizations Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Student Organizations information at SFU

Traffic and Parking Procedures
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on Traffic and Parking 

Unauthorized Access Policy
Responsible Office: Student Development

Unauthorized Access 

University initiated medical, psychological leave policy for students.

University Policy Statements
Responsible Office: Student Development

University Policy Statements

University Student Conduct Review Process
Responsible Office: Student Development

Introduction to University Student Conduct Review Process

Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Responsible Office: Student Development

To define the requirements for the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) on property owned or controlled by Saint Francis University ("Saint Francis" or "University"), or elsewhere for University-affiliated activities.

Violations of the Law
Responsible Office: Student Development

Student Conduct jurisdiction over violations of federal, state, local law.

Voter Registration Information
Responsible Office: Student Development

Information on Voter Registration

Weapons Policy.
Responsible Office: Student Development

The use of or possession of open or concealed weapons at Saint Francis University

Welcome from the President of Saint Francis University.
Responsible Office: Student Development

Welcome from the President of Saint Francis University.

Welcome from the Vice President for Student Development
Responsible Office: Student Development

Welcome from Dr. Frank Montecalvo, Vice President for Innovative Partnerships and Student Development

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