Policies by Audience - Staff

Academic Calendar
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

Academic Calendar

Academic Honesty Policy
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

A. Introduction

Academic honesty is an essential part of the Saint Francis University experience. Dishonesty in any aspect of the life of the University is viewed as being incompatible with the school's moral tradition. Accordingly, Saint Francis University has prepared a policy on academic honesty that will guide students in dealing with such issues in the process of learning regardless of the course delivery method.

The University provides the email, network, guest network, and Internet resources for University-related activity. The purpose of the campus network is to support education and research by providing access to valuable resources. It also provides opportunity for interaction and collaborative work using the Internet through e-mail services and other network applications. The Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy is applicable to all employees and students.

Due to severe inclement weather the University may find it necessary to delay, or cancel classes, or may declare the classes as a required "virtual class day" in lieu of cancellation. Delay or cancellation of classes, or declaration of "virtual class day"  does not mean that the University is closed. In fact, when classes are delayed or cancelled, or when a virtual class day is in effect, operations continue.

Athletic Facilities
Responsible Office: Athletics

Athletic Facilities

Children on Campus Guidelines
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Children on Campus Guidelines

Circulation of Materials
Responsible Office: Library

Circulation transactions are legal contracts between the library and the borrower. Borrowers are responsible for appropriate care of library materials charged out to them. The library is responsible for keeping borrowers' records confidential. Prompt return of library materials when due is a consideration shown to fellow library users.

Confidentiality of University Documents and Records
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Confidentiality of University Documents and Records

Conflict of Interest Policy
Responsible Office: Human Resources

The term “conflict of interest” pertains to situations in which financial or other personal considerations compromise, or have the appearance of compromising, an individual’s professional judgment and ability to perform his or her responsibilities at Saint Francis University.

Copyright Policy
Responsible Office: IT Services

Recognizing the balance between fostering creativity and protecting ownership, Saint Francis University expects and requires all students, faculty, and staff to comply with applicable copyright laws and this policy. Saint Francis University students, faculty, and staff are expected to have a basic understanding of copyright law in order to ensure compliance with the law and this policy. 

Deadly Weapons and Fireworks
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Deadly Weapons and Fireworks

Drug/Alcohol Free Workplace
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Drug/Alcohol Free Workplace

Educational Opportunities
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Educational Opportunities

Employee Assistance Program
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Employee Assistance Program

Employee Background Checks
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Employee Background Checks

Employee Drug and Alcohol Policy
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Employee Drug and Alcohol Policy

Employee Purchasing
Responsible Office: Purchasing


Saint Francis University ("the University") is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs, and activities, that are free from discrimination and harassment based on a protected characteristic, and retaliation for engaging in a protected activity.  

The University values and upholds the equal dignity of all members of its community and strives to balance the rights of the parties in the grievance process during what is often a difficult time for all involved.  

To ensure compliance with federal, state, and local civil rights laws and regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the education program or activity, the University has developed policies and procedures that provide a prompt, fair, and impartial process for those involved in an allegation of discrimination or harassment on the basis of a protected characteristic, and for allegations of retaliation. 

Ethical Recruitment of Students
Responsible Office: Financial Aid

Saint Francis University strives to be an institution of high integrity and is committed to ensuring that recruitment and enrollment activities conducted at the University promote such an environment. The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with federal laws and regulation in order to prevent and eliminate fraudulent and aggressive recruitment of students (including but not limited to veterans and Military Service members) to the University.

Final Examinations
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

To establish a uniform final examination schedule in order to facilitate fairness and help maximize the educational experience for students.

By law, all Investigators applying for and working on Public Health Services (PHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), or National Science Foundation (NSF) funded research must disclose significant financial interests (SFIs) that are related to the Investigators institutional responsibilities. Investigators are ALL persons, regardless of title or position, who are responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research proposed for funding by the PHS, NIH, or NSF, including collaborators or consultants. This policy provides the framework to identify, evaluate and correct or remove real, apparent and potential conflicts of interest.

Formal Complaint Procedure
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Saint Francis University recognizes that an employee may occasionally feel that he/she has a complaint in relation to his/her work based upon the non-application, misapplication or inconsistent application of official University policies or procedures. If so, it is in the best interest of both the employee and the University that all such problems be resolved as soon as possible. The procedure that follows provides an opportunity for staff to have their complaints and proposed settlement reviewed by appropriate administrative personnel in a timely manner.

Note: Any complaints that relate to discrimination and/or harassment shall be addressed following the steps outlined in the Non-discrimination Policy and No-Harassment policy complaint procedures..

Graduate Assistant Contract
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

To describe the University philosophy for graduate assistantships, process to secure a graduate assistant, terms of a contract, conditions for the experiential learning assignments, terms for the tuition waiver, associated and necessary information flow, reporting responsibilities, and other constraints and limitations.

This policy is intended to provide general guidance for faculty, staff and students so that they may fully engage in the political process in a manner that does not jeopardize the University's tax-exempt status. This policy also provides guidelines for permissible appearances of candidates on campus.

Interlibrary Loan Policy
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

Interlibrary Loan provides access to materials which are not available within the collections of the Saint Francis University Library. In order to provide global access to information resources, the Library participates in the OCLC Resource Sharing network, reciprocal borrowing programs, and library consortia.

The Saint Francis University Library provides basic interlibrary loan services at no cost to University users. The library also pays the cost of postage to send books to distance education students, and the cost for the return of these books to the Library.   

Jury Duty
Responsible Office: Human Resources

All full-time university employees will be compensated at their regular pay rate for the amount of time served on jury duty. In turn, the amount received for jury service from the judicial system should be endorsed over to the Business Office. Employees are expected to notify their supervisor immediately if they are called for jury duty.

Logical Access Control
Responsible Office: IT Services

The purpose of this policy is to ensure access to the university information technology network by authorized persons as intended by University leadership, and the Department of Information Technology Services.  This policy defines the levels of intended access by user type (role) and authorizes the Department of Information Technology Services to monitor for, detect and take actions to remedy violations of the Logical Access Policy.

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

This policy is to establish the standard that those employed by the University are prohibited under federal regulations from making any false, erroneous, or misleading statement directly or indirectly to a student, any member of the public, an accrediting agency, a state agency, or the U.S. Department of Education.

New Hire Employment Requirements
Responsible Office: Human Resources

To outline the University's policy on submission of paperwork required upon hire of new or rehired employees.

Obligation to Report Suspected Code Violations
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Obligation to Report Suspected Code Violations

Out-of-State Academic Activities
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

As an institution that participates in federal financial aid programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, Saint Francis University is committed to fully complying with federal regulations regarding state authorization as well as all requirements issued by States regarding the operation of higher education institutions within their jurisdictions. This policy is intended to address certain federal regulations, specifically 34 CFR 600.9, 34 CFR 668.43, and the rules of the National Council of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).

This policy therefore:

  1. Defines the offices, departments, and personnel responsible for ensuring the University’s compliance with laws, regulations, and agreements related to State Authorization;
  2. Establishes governance and communication structures necessary to maintain State Authorization compliance; and 
  3. Empowers University offices, departments, and/or personnel described herein to expect cooperative assistance from other University offices, departments, and/or personnel in order to comply with State Authorization laws, regulations, and agreements.

This policy does not govern the University's compliance with laws, regulations, and agreements pertaining to issues beyond state authorization.


This policy applies to all administration, faculty, and staff.

Outside Employment and/or Business Interests
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Outside Employment and/or Business Interests

Parking Permit Fees
Responsible Office: University Police

Parking Fees

Parking Permit Violations
Responsible Office: University Police

Parking Permit Violations

Parking Regulations
Responsible Office: University Police

Parking Regulations

Parking and Traffic Citations
Responsible Office: University Police

Campus Parking and Traffic Citations

Personnel Records
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Personnel Records

Pets on University Property
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Pets on University Property

Policy on Policies
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Saint Francis University community has ready access to well-developed and understandable University policies.

Saint Francis University is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of education records, to providing students with appropriate access to their education records, and to compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and its regulations. The purpose of this policy is to set forth the University’s policies and procedures regarding the privacy of and access to education records.

Professional Licensure Disclosures
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

This policy helps to ensure the University's compliance with federal regulations (34 CFR 668.43) and its obligations as a SARA-participating institution regarding public and direct disclosure requirements related to Professional Licensure Programs.


This policy applies to academic administration, recruitment, and admissions personnel that administer Professional Licensure Programs, regardless of modality or geographic location.

Professional Societies
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

Professional Societies

Protection of Minors
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Protection of Minors

Recruitment Philosophy, Policy, and Procedures
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Recruitment Philosophy, Policy, and Procedures

Refunds and Withdrawals Student Billing Procedures
Responsible Office: Business Office

Policy related to student billing class withdrawals and refunds

Research Misconduct
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

Saint Francis University is committed to the highest ethical standards of integrity for its administration, faculty and student body. The University expects all research conducted under its auspices to adhere to the strictest levels of intellectual honesty.  This policy has been designed to meet the requirements of the National Science Foundation (NSF), the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS), under which the National Institutes of Health (NIH) operates, and other federal agencies. 

Revocation of Driving and Parking Privileges
Responsible Office: University Police

Revocation of Driving and Parking Privileges

Saint Francis University Remote Work Policy
Responsible Office: Human Resources

As Saint Francis University enters an era of growth we will do so with the mission of the University as our guiding light. The mission states, in part, that the university expresses the lived example of Saint Francis of Assisi in the modern world and promotes a culture that seeks understanding through innovation. With this in mind, we aim to ensure our employee work environment is led by our Catholic values and is understanding, flexible, and equitable. To meet the reality of the modern world, the University is establishing and supporting this remote work policy.

Service and Assistance Animal Policy
Responsible Office: Student Development

Service and Assistance Animal Policy

Smoking Policy
Responsible Office: Risk Management

Smoking Policy


Faculty, staff, students and visitors to campus.

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

Speakers Policy

Special Compensation For Hourly (non-exempt) Employees

Student Activities and Organization: Travel Policy and Notification Procedure

Student Complaint Resolution
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

This policy is established to provide an appropriate framework to resolve student complaints, to maintain the integrity of the academic environment, and to ensure the rights of students in such matters are clearly ensured and protected.

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Student Location Policy
Responsible Office: Registrar's Office

This policy is in accordance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, specifically 34 CFR 668.43(c) and 34 CFR 600.9, which require the institution to make a determination regarding the State in which a student is located at the time of the student's initial enrollment in an educational program and upon formal receipt of information from the student that the student's location has changed to another State. This policy is necessary to provide a general structure under which the institution shall determine a student's location for purposes of complying with the federal rules, a condition of Title IV eligibility (i.e., the ability to offer federal student aid), and with the state authorization rules of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).

This policy is intended to address federal government consumer protection requirements of 34 CFR 668.43. When requested, and subject to applicable privacy laws, Saint Francis University will make the determination regarding a student's location, together with any supporting documentation, available to the Secretary of Education as required by 34 CFR 600.9(c)(2)(ii).

The Saint Francis University Student-Athlete Missed Class Due to Athletics Participation policy establishes guidelines to deal with class attendance and class absence(s) associated with student-athletes' participation in intercollegiate athletics.  

Tailgating Policy
Responsible Office: Athletics

Tailgating Policy

Threats and Random Acts of Violence
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Threats and Random Acts of Violence

Responsible Office: University Police


Transfer of Credit - Graduate
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

To provide clear and consistent practices for accepting graduate credit for transfer to Saint Francis University.


Students formally accepted and enrolled in a graduate-level program at Saint Francis University.

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Travel and Entertainment
Responsible Office: Business Office

Travel and Entertainment

To establish the standard for the use of the Statement of Nondiscrimination and ADA statements in University publications as part of Saint Francis University's commitment to providing a safe and nondiscriminatory employment and educational environment as well as in response to legal mandates.

Policy Officer:  Chief Academic Officer; Vice President for Enrollment Management; Vice President for Innovative Partnerships and Student Development

Responsible Office: Marketing; Title IX; Accessibility Services


Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Responsible Office: Student Development

To define the requirements for the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) on property owned or controlled by Saint Francis University ("Saint Francis" or "University"), or elsewhere for University-affiliated activities.

Responsible Office: Human Resources


Veterans Educational Benefits
Responsible Office: Business Office

To ensure the University's compliance with 38 U.S. Code Chapter 36, Administration of Educational Benefits, and the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018.

Visitor and Disabled Parking
Responsible Office: University Police

Visitor and Disabled Parking

Web Privacy Policy
Responsible Office: IT Services


Saint Francis University, located in Loretto, Pennsylvania, United States of America, provides the following information related to the privacy of users to the University's main website and other websites in the francis.edu domain (together, the "Sites"). 


This privacy policy was established to address the collection, protection, and utilization of information that may be obtained by Saint Francis University through your use of the University's main website and other websites that we own or control (together, the "Sites"). 

Withdrawal from the University
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

It is recommended that students contemplating withdrawal from the University first discuss this matter with their advisor or counselor. If students decide to withdraw, the Career Services' staff is available to assist them in clarifying and reaching their future goals. Information and counseling are available regarding transferring to other institutions as well as assistance in reaching new occupational objectives.

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Workplace and Environmental Health and Safety
Responsible Office: Risk Management

Workplace and Environmental Health and Safety

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